Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 Players' Database
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Player Name: TIERNEY
Squad Number: 23
League: English League
Nationality: IRELAND
International: No
Included in MLO: Yes
Height: 183
Weight: 71
Age: 27
Dominant Leg: Left Leg
Registered Position: LB
All positions:
LWF    SS     CF    RWF
 LB     SW     CB     RB 
Offense: 65
Defense: 67
Header Accuracy: 70
Dribble Precision: 71
Short-pass Accuracy: 71
Short-pass Speed: 72
Long-pass Accuracy: 72
Long-pass Speed: 73
Shot Accuracy: 60
Set Piece Taking: 62
Curve: 65
Ball Control: 69
NonDom Leg Precision: 4
NonDom Leg Usage: 4
Goalkeeping: 50
Responsiveness: 75
Explosive Power: 75
Dribble Speed: 72
Top Speed: 75
Balance: 75
Stamina: 80
Kicking Power: 77
Jump: 76
Injury: 3
Attack: 3
Defence: 3
Condition: 5
Mentality: 72
Teamwork: 74
Overall Rating: 71
S03: Long Throw
Rating as 71
Market Value: 1,056,709   No. of owners: 0   Value Graph
Contract Fee (10 matches): 500,000    
Cost of Acquisition: 1,556,709    

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