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Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 Database PES 2012
Name Age Height Weight Team Nationality Foot Position GK SW CB SB DMF WB CMF SMF AMF WF SS CF Fav. Side Injury Attack/Defence Awareness Attack Defence Body balance Stamina Top speed Acceleration Responsiveness Agility Dribble accuracy Dribble speed Short pass accuracy Short pass speed Long pass accuracy Long pass speed Shot accuracy Shot power Shot technique Free kick accuracy Swerve Header Accuracy Jump Technique Tenacity Goal keeping skills Teamwork Aggression Form Weak foot accuracy Weak foot usage Overall Rating
P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 S06 S07 S08 S09 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23
GILLET 31 181 78 A.S. BARI BELGIUM Right foot GK ✓ None A Balanced 30 85 82 60 70 73 91 73 58 59 56 58 52 60 45 80 45 45 45 55 81 50 78 86 75 63 7 4 4 87 ✓ ✓
WIESE 28 193 91 SV WERDER BREMEN GERMANY Right foot GK ✓ None B Balanced 35 84 86 58 66 63 92 70 55 53 56 57 57 60 45 80 45 45 45 55 84 50 78 84 74 60 5 4 4 82
YOHANN PELÉ 27 196 89 TOULOUSE FC FRANCE Right foot GK ✓ None C Balanced 30 80 78 56 75 69 90 75 52 56 58 57 60 67 45 82 45 45 45 55 84 52 78 82 74 73 5 4 4 82 ✓
A. PALOP 36 184 75 SEV BLANCO SPAIN Right foot GK ✓ None B Balanced 35 87 79 57 66 68 86 68 55 55 56 59 58 66 45 75 45 45 45 55 82 48 80 85 79 65 5 3 3 81 ✓
LEO FRANCO 33 188 79 R. ZARAGOZA ARGENTINA Right foot GK ✓ None A Balanced 30 88 80 63 72 73 89 71 57 57 58 55 61 70 43 77 41 44 42 45 82 58 76 85 77 60 4 4 4 80
LEE WOON JAE 37 182 90 Free Agents SOUTH KOREA Right foot GK ✓ None B Balanced 30 80 77 62 62 60 82 68 53 54 65 58 57 63 45 76 45 45 50 48 78 49 80 79 80 64 5 4 4 78 ✓ ✓
BRACIGLIANO 30 183 82 A. S. NANCY LORRAINE FRANCE Right foot GK ✓ None B Balanced 30 85 83 62 66 69 84 65 54 61 55 55 57 60 43 83 40 40 43 45 84 54 86 84 81 70 7 4 4 78
BELARDI 32 187 80 UDINESE CALCIO ITALY Right foot GK ✓ None B Balanced 30 79 78 57 67 69 87 74 50 57 50 60 60 68 42 75 43 44 42 46 81 49 80 77 76 63 5 4 4 76
DE VLIEGER 38 186 81 CLUB BRUGGE KV BELGIUM Right foot GK ✓ None B Balanced 30 83 80 60 63 66 80 63 52 53 51 56 52 63 45 80 45 45 45 55 84 52 80 80 76 65 7 3 3 73
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